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SENTERGY Doctrinal Center and Theological Values

Writer's picture: Dave MillerDave Miller

by Dave Miller and Carter Cox

a contribution to the #NoPlaceLeft Movement

“Theology” is simply our understanding, beliefs and response to the nature of God and His works. Everyone has a theology. Our theology helps us interpret our view of the world. A theological doctrine is scriptural belief in the form of a statement that helps clarify a theological value for ourselves and others. When used in an unhealthy manner, theological doctrines are a boundary of control that exclude or even divide the body of Christ. But, when used in a healthy manner, theological doctrines become a center or plumbline of values which invite collaboration between co-laborers on mission with God. 

This statement represents the doctrinal center or plumbline of Sentergy. We offer these doctrinal statements as contributions for clarity and demonstrations of the scriptural shared theological values which keep the #NoPlaceLeft movement towards our true Center, Jesus and His mission. We invite you to join the movement until there is #NoPlaceLeft where the gospel has not been proclaimed. We also invite you to consistently search the scriptures, as the Bereans, to ensure what we believe and practice are true.


The Holy Bible was written by men and divinely inspired by God as his revelation of himself to all people and his mission for all people. All scripture is true and trustworthy, without error, and therefore is the ultimate authority and standard for all of life. It is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training.


The one eternal triune God reveals himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One in essence and nature, God is sovereign, perfectly holy and personal, therefore worthy of the highest worship through love and obedience. 

God the Father

God the Father is eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, and all-wise. Through his perfect will, all creation began and is sustained by his providential care for the purposes of his grace and mission for his glory. 

God the Son

God the Son has eternally existed. He took on flesh when miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit, born through the virgin Mary, and was named Jesus, who is called Christ. Both fully God and fully man, Jesus accomplished the Father’s purposes of grace and mission for the Father’s glory through his sinless life, death on the cross in place of sinful man, burial, and bodily resurrection from the dead on the third day. He ascended to heaven as the eternal King and will come again as Judge. Jesus is the only mediator for reconciliation between God and man and the perfect model of the Christian life. 

God the Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God and has eternally existed. He empowers the Father’s purposes of grace and mission and glorifies Jesus. He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement. He indwells and empowers every believer at the moment of faith in Jesus for an obedient new life in the purposes of God through comfort, teaching, encouragement, gifting, joy, assurance, and witness, in all truth.


Human beings were created as male and female in the image of God and therefore are special among all of God’s creation to uniquely glorify God. However, people have rebelled against the creation purpose by disobeying God and his commands. The consequences of sinful rebellion is physical and spiritual death for all humans, and eternal separation from God. Only through faith in Jesus Christ and his accomplished work through his life, death, and resurrection, will the consequences of sin be satisfied and eternal new life received. Because all people are created in the image of God and Christ died for all people, every person has dignity and is worthy of respect and Christian love. 


The Gospel is the good news and hope of salvation in Jesus by grace alone because of his sinless life, substitutionary death, and bodily resurrection for all who repent of their sinful rebellion by placing their faith in Christ alone. There is no salvation apart from an individual’s faith in Jesus. God freely offers salvation to all people, therefore the gospel must be proclaimed to all people. 

The Church

Christ Jesus is the Head of His Body, the Church. Christ is building His Church and the gates of hell will never overcome it. The Church, as the Body of Christ, includes all people throughout history who place individual faith in Jesus Christ. The Church is expressed locally as a Kingdom community of baptized believers who covenant together in partnership for the gospel in all the earth. Through the local gathering of the church, believers regularly encourage one another in faithfulness to Jesus, love, and good works for the purposes of the Father and His glory until the return of Jesus Christ. 

Marriage, Family and Singleness

Marriage is the covenant between one man and one woman for life. Children are to be stewarded as blessings from the Lord. God’s design for marriage demonstrates the selfless love of Jesus for His church and the obedient love of the church for Jesus. Singleness is a blessing for undivided focus on the work of Christ’s Kingdom, and just as a godly marriage, godly singleness is honoring to the Lord.

Christ’s Second Coming

The original creation will conclude at the personal physical return of Jesus Christ. All people throughout history who place individual faith in Jesus Christ will be raised to life and will enjoy eternity with God in the new heaven and new earth, under the just and righteous rule of King Jesus. Those who have not placed individual faith in Jesus will be separated eternally from God under his wrath. 

Priesthood of All Believers: Worship, Gospel Proclamation and Disciple Making

The Church is a kingdom of priests who worship Jesus in both adoration and obedience. Because of the eternal effects of this life for all people, urgency for the proclamation of the gospel is of utmost importance. Making disciples as we go, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all Jesus commands is the Great Commission command of Jesus to all believers. As the church follows Jesus, he will make His church fishers of people from every tribe, tongue, and nation.


Full Doctrinal Center and Theological Values statement including scriptural references can be found at our About page Doctrinal Center and Theological Values.



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