A Sentrepreneur and backyard missionary in Oklahoma City, Dr. Dave Miller is married to Ann Miller. They have five children, Solomon, Caedmon, Cohen, Kosten and Kennedy.
These are thoughts from failures and occasional success while trying his hand at the apostolic role in the religious quagmire of the United States. Now and then a couple of other continents get involved.
Dave Miller
Wisely Following Jesus: Embracing Biblical Wisdom in Daily Life
Jesus: Mentor of Abundant Life
Redefining Strategy: Embracing God's Blueprint for Church Multiplication
Buckets and Drips: The Essentials of Effective Training
8 Catalytic Steps To Change
The 8 Traps of Busy
Should I Stay or Should I Go: CFC + With
Forging Leaders in the Radical Middle
6 Demands of Success
Should I Stay or Should I Go: CFC + With
How to Overcome The Effects of "Movement Method Inoculation"
Church: Movement and/or Institution?
45 Year Wait...
Time Is A Terrible Taskmaster
Pray Always and DO NOT Give Up!
The Fearful Faints: Gaining Courage in a Silent Culture
God Does Not Choose Sides
From the Stone of a Cheat to an Honest Altar
Decisive Discipleship: Why Rapid Discipleship is Preferable and How It's Possible
Be Strong and Courageous: Leadership Lessons from Joshua 1
SENTERGY Doctrinal Center and Theological Values
Focus: Making Moments Matter
The Ongoing Role of Apostles in Mission: An Interview with Dr. Don Dent
The Word & Training the Priesthood of All Believers
The Acts of the Holy Spirit Part 1
Priesthood of All Believers: Rights, Responsibilities and Privileges
The New Reformation
The weight of the world is on the wrong shoulders
Online Words, Works, Wineskins Global Cohort - Begins April 7
Thorns and Thistles
Event Christianity: Swallowing Jesus-ish Camels
Who Can Baptize?
Apostolic Missiology or Pastoral Missiology in the US?
Tacos, Trees, and Unexpected Truth
Go Slow to Go Fast
Staying the course...
The Standard is Faith
Work vs. Disciple Making?
20 Somethings...
Promisibility: The Art of Digging an Assumption Pit
Raw Prayers and Rage Monsters
DNA Series - Participating in the Presence of God (The Commands of Christ)
DNA Series: 1 Head 2 Authorities
The Faith Paradox of #NoPlaceLeft
Free to Fail
Men are God's Method
Prepare the Way.
The Father's Heart
Make Disciples Anytime
Start Your Disciple Making Engines!